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9/26/2021 Teachable or Trainable? ~Rev. Benjamin Chung

An older pastor shared how he is mentoring many younger pastors to be healthy and sound pastors. In short, he is sharing his wisdom through his life experiences on what to do and what not to do. One of the key ideas he has introduced, is the difference between being Teachable and being Trainable. While these two ideas might sound similar, they are quite different. A teachable individual, he/she doesn’t have to be a pastor, can be any believer who is able to learn and understand concepts that are given. They can even explain the theories down to the minute detail and pass any written or verbal test given to


The difference with a trainable individual is, they are not only capable of being taught, but they are capable of applying the teaching they have been taught. In Scripture, we know that Jesus taught in many places in Galilee. Many came to listen. Some stayed to learn. And fewer still—72—went out to share the gospel (Luke 10:1 ESV). (Think about all the multitudes of people who came, heard, ate or were healed!) Indeed, we know what Jesus says in verse 2, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into this harvest.” Yet, what did we see happen when the disciples obeyed and went out? “The seventy-two returned with joy,

saying, ‘Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!’” (v.17). What a result to behold! What are we to make of this? Are we more fearful of casting out demons that we are not thinking of the person who needs the evil spirit removed from them?

Let us not even go so extreme. How are we applying Christian living in our own homes? Families, do we have family time together and pray together? Do we sing together or even break bread together? Brothers and sisters, are we calling, texting, and sending videos and other media to one another to spur each other on? Who are we mentoring? The laborers are so few. Let us be working on our Christian habits, keeping one another accountable by means of encouraging one another. This is being trainable, which will see much more fruit than someone who is only teachable, but does not do. Let us be trainable, doing the good work both outside and inside the church. Take some time to pray and ask the Lord to reveal the area in your life that needs to be trained. You can even find a mentor to help train you in the process!

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