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9/25/2022 歡迎您來到教會!~鍾立恆牧師

您好。我是Ben牧師。如果這是您第一次來到我們教會的新朋友,我們歡迎您!這是我作為牧師最榮幸的事之一,就是可以以堂會牧師身份代表教會來歡迎各位。倘若這不是您的第一次,這裡仍然是很歡迎您的。根據您現在坐着看這篇文章的位置(您也可能是站著的),您應該是身處於 34th Ave 和 Noriega St. (三十四街和諾列加街)的三個不同的敬拜禮堂之一。三藩市華人浸信會分別有粵語崇拜部,兒童英語崇拜部(如果您在兒童英語崇拜部讀此文章,這表示您很可能在不合適您年齡的敬拜禮堂),以及英語崇拜部TheAvenues.Church (TAC - 大道教會)。

我們很感恩您今天能夠參加 TAC 的開幕崇拜。我想分享一下TAC 在開始之前和一直在進行中的事情,好讓大家更清楚認識我們的背景。我們相信禱告和神的帶領。在一年多前歐嘉樂牧師和我已經為今天祈禱,我們期盼的這一天終於來臨了。假若您和我們正同在這建築物的上層敬拜,您便是我們禱告蒙應允的一部分


所以我想讓您知道,在這裡我們會為您祈禱和為您打氣。這裡是您可以找到支持和歌頌敬拜的地方。TAC 座落於舊金山的日落區,希望能效益於您和竭誠服侍這個社區,因為耶穌在馬太福音 二十八章十九節說:「所以你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父子聖靈的名給他們施洗。」我們看重主耶穌的教導,並且樂意遵行祂的使命。

在我們踏上新旅程之際,希望您能與我們一起並肩同行。如果您有任何問題,請隨時與歐牧師或我本人聯络,我們的聯絡資料已印在此程序表上。再次歡迎您,別忘記離開之前拿一件 T 恤和一支筆。 (它們是免費的小禮物!😊)

Original Text in English:

Welcome to Church! ~Pastor Benjamin Chung

Hi. This is Pastor Ben. If you’re new and this is the first time to our church, welcome! This is one of my greatest privileges as a pastor. And if it isn’t your first time, you’re still welcome in this place. Now, depending on where you are sitting as you read this (or maybe you’re standing), you could be in one of THREE different places of worship at 34th Ave and Noriega St. There’s the Cantonese Service of San Francisco Chinese Baptist Church, the Children’s English Service (which means you’re probably in the wrong place if you’re reading this there) and also TheAvenues.Church (TAC), which is the main English Service.

We are thankful that you decided to join us today for TAC’s first service. I would like to give a little background as to what we’ve been doing regarding TAC. Pastor Karl and I have been praying for this day for over a year and it has finally come to fruition. If you are upstairs with us, you are part of that answer to prayer. As followers of Jesus, we want the message of the Savior Jesus to reach the ears of those who have not heard His name. Here at TAC, because we have been blessed with this building, in this location, we want to reach those who are in this community of the Avenues to grow an even larger vibrant and loving community that comes together in celebration of Christ’s love. After all, the church isn’t the building, it’s the people who have come together!

So I want to let you know that we are here to pray for you and encourage you. We are a place that you can turn to for celebration or support. TAC is here to benefit you and the community in which this building is placed, in the Sunset District of San Francisco. For Jesus says in Matthew 28:19, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” We’re taking Jesus seriously and we want to be obedient in this instruction.

As we are embark on a new journey, we would love for you to join us. Please don’t hesitate to contact Karl or myself if you have any questions, our info is in this bulletin. Welcome again, and don’t forget to grab a t-shirt and a pen. (They’re FREE! )

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