什麼是敬拜? 試用一句話描述你認為的敬拜是什麼。 你有最喜歡的敬拜歌曲嗎? 是什麼讓它對你如此特別? 我有很多喜愛的敬拜歌曲,我什至不能只選擇一個,但我一直痴迷於耶穌文化的「屋頂」。 在周日早上的禮拜或教堂發生的事情中很容易想到敬拜。 但這只是對敬拜的重要性的一個很小的窺視。 敬拜實際上是一種生活方式,而不是一個事件。 這是我們一生都在做的事情,通過感恩、恆心、管家、態度、關係和對話。 這並不意味著我們一直在唱歌,或者我們只談論屬靈的事情。 這意味著無論我們做什麼,我們都會用它來榮耀上帝。
路加福音 10:38-42 是關於兩個姐妹,她們都是耶穌的朋友,以及她們對作為家中客人的耶穌的反應有多麼不同。 馬利亞放慢腳步,坐在耶穌腳前傾聽、學習和欣賞祂的同在,但馬大更關心的是成為完美的女主人,並根據她的文化期望做正確的事情。 乍一看,馬大為客人辛勤做準備似乎是對的,但耶穌的回應表明祂更喜歡馬利亞對祂的存在的態度和反應。 我們可以從這些經文中看到,敬拜不僅僅是外在的行為。 它始於正確的心,正確的焦點和正確的心態。
既然您對敬拜有了更多的了解,請寫下您要培養敬拜的心並有意識地敬拜上帝的一種方式。 嘗試具體說明您將做什麼以及何時做。
詩篇 95:6: 來啊 ,我們要屈身敬拜,在造我們的耶和華面前跪下。
詩篇 19:14: 耶和華─我的磐石,我的救贖主啊,願我口中的言語、心裡的意念在你面前蒙悅納。
Deaconess Michelle Tam
What is worship? Describe what you think worship is in one sentence. Do you have a favorite worship song? What makes it so special to you? I have so many favorites that I can’t even choose just one but I’ve been obsessed with “Rooftops” by Jesus Culture. It’s easy to think of worship in the context of a Sunday morning service or something that happens at church. But that’s a very small peek into the magnitude of worship. Worship is actually a lifestyle, not an event. It’s something that we do with our whole lives, through thankfulness, perseverance, stewardship, attitudes, relationships, and conversation. It doesn’t mean that we sing all the time or that we only talk about spiritual things. It means that whatever we do, we honor God with it.
All of us live in a world of to-do lists. Wake up. Check. Go to work. Check. Clean the house. Check. Spend time with family, hang out with friends, and go back to sleep. Check, check, and check. But we don’t exist just to check things off a to-do list. We exist to bring glory to God. Worship, delighting in God, is one of the most direct ways to do this. It’s praising God for who he is and the amazing things he’s done. You’ve probably heard this already, but I’ll say it anyways: worship isn’t about singing (at the very least, it’s not just about singing.) It’s an all-day, everyday thing. But some people also use the word “worship” in a more specific way: to describe the time when a bunch of followers of Christ get together and, using music, express their praise of God. A heart for worship comes from having a deep, rooted relationship with Jesus. Out of that relationship flows an outpouring of delight in God, which we call worship. It’s not just about knowing or doing the right things. Just imagine how easy it is to sing along to a praise song without taking any of the words to heart. Worship is about focusing on God, meditating on your relationship with him, and letting his love pour out of your life. To encounter Christ in a deep way, you have to slow down and pay attention to Jesus. Sometimes this involves singing, but you might worship God in an entirely different way: journaling, painting, acts of service, Bible study, silence, or even through spending time with family and friends (if it’s done to the glory of God). You can even be riding the bus, encouraging a friend, or cleaning the house and still be worshipping God. It’s about aligning your life (your actions, your words, your thoughts) with God.
Luke 10:38-42 is about two sisters, both friends of Jesus, and how differently they responded to Jesus as a guest in their home. Mary slowed down and sat at the feet of Jesus to listen, learn and appreciate His presence, but Martha was more concerned with being the perfect hostess and doing the right things according to her culture’s expectations. At first glance, it seems like Martha is doing the right thing by finishing the preparations for her guest but Jesus’ response show that He preferred Mary’s reaction to His presence. We can see from these verses that worship is not just about outward action. It starts with the right heart, right focus and right mindset.
Now that you know more about worship, write down one way you are going to grow your heart for worship and intentionally worship God. Try to be specific with what you will do and when you will do it.
“Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!” Psalms 95:6
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalms 19:14