彼得前書 4:10-11節說:「各人要照所得的恩賜彼此服侍,做神百般恩賜的好管家。 若有講道的,要按著神的聖言講;若有服侍人的,要按著神所賜的力量服侍,叫神在凡事上因耶穌基督得榮耀——原來榮耀、權能都是祂的,直到永永遠遠!阿們。」
主耶穌賜予每一位信徒有不同的恩賜,在神的國度裏彼此事奉,我們均有獨特個別的使命,神呼召我們並完成祂所託付給我們的工作,我們的責任是恪(kok3)守並忠心竭盡所能地順服祂, 完成衪所交託的工作, 想一想,我們竟然有機會認識一位全知全能的神、並且衪還邀請我們參與祂的事工,這是何等的榮幸,藉著認識衪,按著衪所賜的力量服侍他人,使多人也能認識並歸向祂,曉得恩賜的源頭就是神。 只要我們按著所得的恩賜,運用在神國的事工,實際上也幫助我們這些蒙恩得救的人,在靈性上得以逐漸成長。
做主的僕人,就是把自己放在祂的主權之下,聽從祂的吩咐,遵行祂的旨意。弟兄姊妹們,如果我們僅僅是靠自己的力量和短暫的激情,好似將自己的才幹獻給了神,背後卻是為了炫耀自己的才華,這並不是榮耀神,衪是不喜悅這樣的事奉。天父是全能全知的 神。若想好好地完成祂所託付給我們的工作,不強奪神的榮耀,唯有謙卑地來到主的面前,全然順服,向神認罪,當我們願意順服衪的旨意並全然依靠祂的時候,神必然供應我們所需要的一切,上帝會將一顆(fo2)自我為中心的心轉變為一個樂於滿足神心意的好管家,成為合乎神心意的好僕人,堅守我們的崗位將所領受的恩賜為神國事工所用。
天父會藉著各樣的恩賜裝備祂的兒女,我們不能忽視神所賜予我們的任何恩賜,我們不要浪費恩賜,更不能炫耀神所賜的恩賜。當以謙卑的心,靠著聖靈的引導,如此,我們的抉擇就能夠合乎神的心意,神的旨意必能彰顯,共同建造基督的身體。「因為萬有都是本於祂,倚靠祂,歸於祂。願榮耀歸給祂,直到永遠!」(羅馬書 11:36) 阿們!
Appropriate Use of Spiritual Gifts and
Fulfillment of Responsibilities
Pastor Bernie Chung
1 Peter 4:10-11 Says: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.”
The Lord Jesus gives us every believers different gifts to serve each other in the Kingdom of God; and everyone has a unique and individual mission. He calls us to complete the work He has entrusted to us, and our responsibility is to faithfully obey. Let’s think about this: how amazing that our Almighty God, our Lord, actually allows us to participate in His work and serve according to the strength and ability He has bestowed upon us. Many people know that the source of our gifts is God, and that many may also come to know Him and recognize His glory. When we utilize our gifts for the sake of God’s Kingdom, we will gain spiritual maturity as God’s saved children.
To be a servant of the Lord, we shall place ourselves under His sovereignty, obey His commands, and do His will. Brothers and sisters, are we relying solely on our own strength and motivated by short-lived passions to serve our Lord? Are we using our talents from God to show off instead of bringing glory to Him? If these were true, God would know also. If we want to perform our duties well and glorify God, we should humbly come before the Lord to confess our sins and repent. When we are willing to obey God and rely on Him, His promise to provide everything we need will come true. God will transform a self-centered heart to become a heart of a good steward who follows God’s will, and rejoices when God is glorified. God has placed us in unique situations. It is up to us to fully use our gifts that we have received from Him for His sake.
Heavenly Father equips His children with gifts for different purposes. We should not ignore these gifts and let them go to waste, or use them to show off our talents. We should be humble and be guided by the Holy Spirit to align our desires with God’s will. May God’s will be manifested in our church to build up the body of Christ. “For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! ” (Romans 11:36 NIV) Amen.