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4/24/2022 A Person Without the Holy Spirit ~Rev. Bernie Chung

1 Corinthians 2:14 (NIV): The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.

We humans have a corrupt and depraved nature, and our ability to think and understand is limited. We are unable to fully understand the greatness and glory of God’s character. In fact, the only way for us to understand divine truth is through the Holy Spirit, the all-knowing Comforter sent to dwell in believers. The Holy Spirit is constantly explaining the things of God to us and helping us understand Him in different ways.

A person without the Holy Spirit, translated as “the natural man" in the King James Version, is someone who has not been changed by the Holy Spirit. That person only lives in the ephemeral world and has no intention to pursue eternity. Therefore, the person without the Spirit lacks the ability to "comprehend the things of the Holy Spirit", and only sees spiritual things as "foolishness" and refuses to accept them. No one can come to Jesus Christ without the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit makes us humbly confess our sins, helps us realize our need for a Savior, and gives us the faith to believe in Lord Jesus and be saved. Once we surrender our lives to the Lord, the Holy Spirit begins the lifelong process of sanctification. The transformation of the mind is a process of continuous growth through the word of God.

As we grow in maturity, may the Holy Spirit give us the ability and courage to preach the Gospel of Salvation to others. Like the born blind man who appears in John Chapter 9, those who listen may actively receive the grace of salvation. The blind man with his spiritual eyes opened, said to the Lord Jesus, “Lord, I believe. And he worshipped Him” (John 9:38).

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