by Rev. Benjamin Chung (鍾立恆牧師)
Recently, we are seeing something more repeatedly in the news and
even in online posts. It is related to COVID-19, but is not about COVID-19. I
am seeing how elderly Asians are being robbed and physically attacked on the
street, with some even succumbing to death from their injuries. If you are older,
you are not alone in your fear. I am one of the physically largest people at
church and I also have some fear. I wonder if the crimes are necessarily aimed
at Asians or if there is simply more reporting about these incidents in the news.
What is apparent, is the brazenness of the attacks as the assailants have both
masks to hide their identities and less people on the streets now to be witnesses
or assist the victims of the crimes.
It saddens me to hear of these transgressions. At the same time, I
encourage us to not respond with anger towards the situation. Let us also not
get swept up in the racial divisiveness that is being placed before us. Not every
evil act against an Asian is racially motivated, although some are. If we think
about what is happening, these evils haven’t not changed since the beginning
of time, as recorded in the Scriptures.
Now, most of us are Chinese. And even if we aren’t all Chinese, that’s
okay because we now that we are part of the human race and this means we are
image bearers of God. Moreover, as Christians we are children of God. “For
you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have
received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’”
(Romans 8:15 ESV). This means that we are to respond with Christ’s love
during times of conflict and struggle. Does this mean that we cannot be angry
or that we cannot speak up? On the contrary, let us with sound judgment speak
up when the time is appropriate, without discrediting the Lord’s name. “But in
your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a
defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do
it with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15).
What about the fear that currently resides in our hearts right now? Let
us take necessary precautions. For those who are older, it may be wise to find
others to help us acquire basic needs. (This also means a willingness to assist,
for those of us who are younger!) If we do venture out, make sure to observe
our surroundings and do not go out alone. Last, but not least, let’s give over
our fears to God and observe who we should really fear! “The LORD is my
light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my
life; of whom shall I be afraid? 2 When evildoers assail me to eat up my flesh,
my adversaries and foes, it is they who stumble and fall. 3 Though an army
encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, yet I
will be confident. 4 One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon
the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple” (Psalm 27:1-4). Fear and
trust in the Almighty Father of heaven and earth.
最近,我們在新聞甚至在網絡的帖子上看到了很多重複的信息。它們都與新冠肺炎有關連,但卻不是關於新冠肺炎。我注意到好些亞裔老人在街上如何被搶劫和遭到武力襲擊的報導,有些人甚至因重傷而致喪命。其實不僅因年紀較大的人感到害怕,面對這些侵襲,即使我在教會中身材也算得上魁梧,我也會感到恐懼。我很想了解究竟這些罪行是否只針對亞裔人仕?還是新聞只選擇性地把這種情況加以報導? 這類罪案能如此明目張膽,其一,是因為襲擊者戴著面罩來掩飾身份,其二,是現時街上己經少有途人願意做目擊証人或願意為受害者申出援手的人。
我們大多數都是中國人。即使我們不是純正中國人也沒關係,因為我們都是人類的一部分,這意味著我們都是神形象的承載者。此外,作為基督徒,我們是神的兒女。羅馬書 八章十五節說: ” 就是說,你們所領受的不是一個奴役的靈,使你們再有懼怕;相反,你們所領受的是使你們有兒子名份的聖靈——藉著祂,我們呼叫:「阿爸!父啊!」” 意思是我們當以基督的愛來回應衝突和鬥爭。這是否表示我們不能生氣或不能大聲發言?恰恰相反,在適當的時候我們應該勇敢地為正確的判斷發聲,使主的名不致受損。如彼得前書三章十五節所記: “ 只 要 心 裡 尊 主 基 督 為 聖 。 有人 問 你 們 心 中 盼 望 的 緣 由 , 就 要 常 作 準 備 , 以 溫 柔 、 敬 畏 的心 回 答 各 人 ;”
眼下存在我們心中的恐懼又當如何面對呢?讓我們採取一些必要的預防措施。對於年齡較大的長者,邀請他人幫忙去獲取基本生活需求是明智的途徑。 (這也意味著年輕人應存樂意的心為長者們提供幫助!)如果有必要外出,請確保留意周圍環境是否安全,並且不要一個人出外。最後但同樣重要的一點,讓我們將我們的恐懼交給神,定晴注目在那位我們真正應該畏懼的神! 詩篇二十七章一至四節說: “ 耶 和 華 是 我 的 亮 光 , 是我 的 拯 救 , 我 還 怕 誰 呢 ? 耶 和 華 是 我 性 命 的 保 障,我 還 懼 誰呢 ? 2 那 作 惡 的 就 是 我 的 仇 敵 , 前 來 吃 我 肉 的 時 候 就 絆 跌 仆倒 。3 雖 有 軍 兵 安 營 攻 擊 我 , 我 的 心 也 不 害 怕 ; 雖 然 興 起 刀兵 攻 擊 我 , 我 必 仍 舊 安 穩 。4 有 一 件 事 , 我 曾 求 耶 和 華 , 我仍 要 尋 求 : 就 是 一 生 一 世 住 在 耶 和 華 的 殿 中 , 瞻 仰 他 的 榮美 , 在 他 的 殿 裡 求 問 。” 當敬畏和信靠那創天造地全能的天父。