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2/19/2023 愛的關係 ~鍾立恆牧師


從哥林多前書 13章1-13 節中,我們才得知什麼是愛,什麼並不算是愛。如果這聽起來好像很耳熟能詳,皆因這段文字經常在基督教婚禮裡被人引用。非基督徒聽到第一至第三節這些跟行為和異能有關的描述時可能會覺得很怪。然而沒有了愛,這一切都是無用和毫無價值的。這並非是個什麼新鮮概念,在路加福音 10章17-20 節中記載,當七十二個門徒回到耶穌身邊,門徒們對耶穌之名的力量與及對他們能以施行神蹟之事而感到驚愕時,在第 20 節中,耶穌是這樣回應:「然而,不要因鬼服了你們就歡喜,要因你們的名記錄在天上歡喜。」的確,我們必須要記住,有一天我們將會在天堂裡獲得未來的讚賞。

但是,那天還未到啊!就讓我們現在仍要在地上活着之時,好好專注於我們的成聖工夫吧。意思是,作為信徒,我們是要明白到我們肉體的思想是必須跟我們的屬靈的思想保持一致的。當我們漸漸成熟,我們會不斷地汲取聖經教導,繼而磨練我們的心靈和思想要與基督一起。保羅在哥林多前書 13:11 裡寫了一段很美的描述聖經的愛:「我作孩子的時候,話語像孩子,心思像孩子,意念像孩子,既成了人,就把孩子的事丟棄了。」我們需要摒棄對愛那種幼稚、自私的觀念,取而代之的是成熟的愛,那種愛是希望他人能得到最好。而這只能透過與上帝建立牢固而健全的關係才能實現得到。

除此之外,在第五節裡亦隱藏著「寬恕」的理念!保羅教導我們不要急躁或懷怨,亦不要一意孤行。我們不要堅持自己的路線,乃是要按着上帝為他人所安排的路線而走。我們需要饒恕人,而不是對弟兄姊妹懷有苦澀的心。與其生氣,不如為自己的精神健康幸福去原諒別人吧。箴言 19:11 說:「人有見識就不輕易發怒;寬恕人的過失便是自己的榮耀。」這對我們在地上得榮譽是有益處的。使徒彼得也說過:「最要緊的是彼此切實相愛,因為愛能遮掩許多的罪。」(彼得前書 4:8)。

哥林多前書 13:13 說:「如今常存的有信,有望,有愛這三樣,其中最大的是愛。」讓我們繼續去愛吧,從而加深我們對愛的理解,好使三藩市浸信會成為能給所有想認識耶穌之人的一個避難所和聖殿,並且成為天國的一分子。

Original Text:

Loving Relationships ~Pastor Benjamin Chung

In 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, We come to learn of what love is and what love is not. If this sounds familiar, this text is often quoted at Christian weddings. Those who are not believers might find it odd to hear the descriptions in vv.1-3, which have to do with works and also the miraculous. These are useless and worthless without love. This ideas is nothing new, because in Luke 10:17-20, when the 72 disciples returned to Jesus and are amazed at the power of his name and the miracles they were able to perform, Jesus says in v.20 (ESV), “Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” Indeed, we must remember the future glorification we will have in heaven one day.

But we are not there yet. While we are living on earth, let us also be focused on our sanctification. This means, as believers we understand that our thinking in the flesh needs to be aligned with our spiritual thinking. As we mature, we continually draw from Scripture to hone our heart and mind with Christ. In 1 Corinthians 13:11, Paul pens a beautiful description of biblical love by stating, “when I was a child come I spoke like a child come I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, give childish ways.” Our childish, self-seeking ideas of love need to be put away and replaced by a mature love that wants the best for others. This only comes through a strong and sound relationship with God.

On top of this, hidden in v.5 is the idea of forgiveness! Paul teaches us that we are not to be irritable or resentful, or even insisting on our own way. We don't insist on our own way, but on the way God once for the other person. Rather than having a bitter heart towards a fellow brother or sister, we need to forgive. Rather than be irritated, it is to our own spiritual well-being to forgive. Proverbs 19:11 says, “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.” There is a benefit to our glory here on earth. The apostle Peter also says, “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8).

1 Corinthians 13:13 says, “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” Let’s keep loving and growing in our understanding in love so that SFCBC may be a place of shelter and sanctuary for all people to come to know Jesus and be a part of the kingdom of Heaven.

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