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2/14/2021 唯獨上帝的榮耀 (The Glory of God Alone)

by 鍾卓權牧師 (Rev. Bernie Chung)

十六世紀的宗教改革源於歐洲,改革的原因是由於羅馬天主教福音的教義逐漸偏離聖經的教導,宗教改革目的是試圖將天主教回歸到正統的聖經的啟示,因此產生了一系列的信念宣言,現在都已成為信仰核心的原則,就是「唯獨聖經」,「唯獨恩典」,「唯獨信心」,「唯獨基督」和「唯獨上帝的榮耀」, 這五個唯獨成為基督教宗教改革的基本神學信仰。

隨後的幾個世紀,有不少的文物都顯示出對這五個信念的接納,其中尤以「唯獨上帝的榮耀」更為顯著,在一些較為宏偉的大教堂,在教堂入口處,有「唯獨上帝的榮耀」的雕刻,「唯獨上帝的榮耀」是以 Soli Deo Gloria 三個字的拉丁語原文寫成的,較早期的一些銀幣也鑄刻著這三個字,某些藝術家為了表示他們的作品是為了榮耀上帝,同樣,在他們的作品上也留下三個簡寫的字母 SDG,取自於 Soli Deo Gloria 的開頭的字母。以歌頌和管弦樂隊協奏的著名作曲家 George Frideric Handel 在他的的彌賽亞手稿樂章上除了他親筆簽名以外,還加上有SDG 三個字母,就是代表「唯獨上帝的榮耀」。在同一個時期作曲家 Johann Sebastian Bach, 在他所有頌讚上帝的音樂作品中的結尾亦都有「唯獨上帝的榮耀」SDG 的縮寫。每當我們思想關於這五個唯獨起源的時候,我們會情不自禁地自我謙卑,促使我們對天父上帝的頌讚。

羅馬書 11:36 節說:「因為萬有都是本於他、倚靠他、歸於他.願榮耀歸給他、直到永遠。阿們。」親愛的弟兄姊妹們和朋友們,我們的生命氣息全源於神的恩典,讓我們以「唯獨上帝的榮耀」為開始渡過新的一天,在晚上睡眠之前以「唯獨上帝的榮耀」作為禱告來結束這一天,就如同作曲家以 SDG 三個字母來表達我們對上帝榮耀的頌讚。阿們!


The Protestant Reformation of the 16th century originated in Europe. As the interpretation of the Christian Gospel doctrines gradually deviated from the teachings of the Bible the Reformers attempted to bring Roman Catholicism back to conformity with the true Biblical revelations. As part of the movement in orthodox Bible enlightenment, declarations of faith during that time produced five slogans that have become the core principles of our Christian faith. These slogans are: “Scripture Alone", "Grace Alone", "Faith Alone", "Christ Alone" and "Glory of God Alone." These have remained the five fundamental theological beliefs of the Christian Reformation through the ages.

Over the centuries, many historical and cultural relics have affirmed the wide acceptance of these five beliefs, and “Glory of God Alone" is the most prominent of the five. At the entrances of many magnificent cathedrals, the inscriptions in Latin of these three words: Soli Deo Gloria, which means in English Glory of God Alone are often found. In ancient times, many silver coins were engraved with these three words also. When some artists wanted to glorify God with their original work, they would sign their masterpieces with SDG, the abbreviations for Soli Deo Gloria. George Frideric Handel, the famous composer of Messianic songs and orchestral music, would put SDG besides his signatures on his musical manuscripts. Handel’s contemporary Johann Sebastian Bach had written many worship musical masterpieces as well, and he also put SDG on his work to dedicate his efforts for God’s glory. Retrospectively, the five “Solae” remind us to humble ourselves before God, and to bring glory to His name. Romans 11:36 says: “For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.”

Dear Brothers, Sisters, and friends, behold that our breath of life is God’s grace. Let’s reverently start every new day with the sole purpose to glorify God alone. Just like a composer who puts down the mark of SDG on his finished work to praise God, may we conclude our day with “Glory to God Alone” as well. Amen!

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