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10/18/2020 那沒有看見就信的有福了 (Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen and Yet Have Believed)

by 鍾卓權牧師 (Rev. Bernie Chung)

聖經是上帝的啟示,宣告了祂是創造天地的主,主耶穌是祂的獨生愛子,由童貞女馬利亞因聖靈感孕,道成肉身,以全神全人的身份降生來到世上,被釘十字架,為全人類的罪與不義獻上祂自己,受死完成了永恆的贖罪祭,埋葬了,第三天從死裡復活,在升天前的四十天多次向門徒顯現, 之後升天在全能天父上帝的右邊,為我們代禱。同樣,聖經也教導我們耶穌基督將必再次降臨,讓那些已經相信並接受救恩的人永遠與祂同在。

耶穌基督是完全的神也是完全的人,這特別啟示使尋求真理的人不能忽視祂的宣告,人必須完全接受祂在十架上為我們所預備的救恩。 如果耶穌基督的宣告是虛構的,不是上帝的獨生兒子,衪並沒有為世人的罪受死在十字架上完成了贖罪大功,那麼我們理當不相信和不接受上帝在聖經中的宣告。


我們要知道 主耶穌和天父上帝是同等同榮。約翰福音 10:30 節主耶穌說:「我與父原為一。」 隨後、 10:36-38 節主耶穌又 說:「父所分別為聖、又差到世間來的、他自稱是 神的兒子、你們還向他說、你說僭妄的話麼。 我若不行我父的事、你們就不必信我。我若行了、你們縱然不信我、也當信這些事.叫你們又知道、又明白、父在我裏面、我也在父裏面。」

其次,我們要知道 主耶穌有卸罪的權柄。馬可福音 2:5-7 節說:「耶穌見他們的信心、就對癱子說、小子、你的罪赦了。有幾個文士坐在那裏、心裏議論說、 這個人為甚麼這樣說呢.他說僭妄的話了.除了 神以外、誰能赦罪呢?」

我們更要知道 接受救恩要憑著信心,不是憑著眼見(林後五7)。約翰福音20:24-28 節說:「那十二個門徒中、有稱為低土馬的多馬.耶穌來的時候、他沒有和他們同在。 那些門徒就對他(多馬)說、我們已經看見主了。多馬卻說、我非看見祂手上的釘痕、用指頭探入那釘痕、又用手探入祂的肋旁、我總不信。 過了八日、門徒又在屋裏、多馬也和他們同在、門都關了.耶穌來站在當中說、願你們平安。 就對多馬說、伸過你的指頭來、摸我的手.伸出你的手來、探入我的肋旁.不要疑惑、總要信。多馬說、我的主、我的 神。」

多馬真正見到復活的主的時候,不能不衷心俯伏下來 說:「我的主、我的 神。」多馬看到主在他眼前才相信主的復活,主耶穌在20:29 節對有疑惑的門徒多馬說:「你因看見了我才信.那沒有看見就信的、有福了。」 所以真實的信心不是憑著眼見。


滿有慈愛和救贖恩典的耶穌基督在聖經中明顯地指出祂自己與天父上帝原為一,肯定了祂的神性,是獨生神的兒子,有赦罪的權柄。 我們之可以因信稱義,不是憑著眼見,乃是倚靠全然真實的信心,謙卑接受。求憐憫我們主,在居家抗疫之際,堅固我們的信心,經歷主的同在與得救的確據,常存平安和喜樂的心。阿們!


The Bible is God’s revelation proclaiming He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and that the Lord Jesus is His only beloved son. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and became flesh through the Virgin Mary. On the cross Christ’s sinless body was offered to us, the unrighteous. Jesus died to complete the eternal sacrifice of sin. He was buried, rose from the dead on the third day, and then ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Almighty Father, where He is interceding for us. The Bible also tells us that Jesus Christ will come again so that those who have believed in and accepted salvation will be with Him forever.

Jesus Christ is the complete God and man. This special revelation would not allow anyone, who seek facts, neglecting this claim. We can either wholeheartedly accept or reject the salvation Jesus has prepared for us on the cross, but there is no middle ground. If the declarations about Jesus Christ are fictitious, then Jesus is not the only begotten Son of God, and He has not died on the cross for the world. If so, we should not believe and accept God's declarations in the Bible.

On the other hand, if what God declares about Jesus Christ is true, that Jesus is indeed the Son of God and the sacrificial lamb of the world who died on the cross for humankind, then we must individually commit ourselves to God through faith and prayers. By accepting Jesus’ redemptive grace, we can then be reconciled with the Almighty and loving God, our Creator. Otherwise, we shall have no part in His salvation plan. What choice have you made?

We need to know that the Lord Jesus and God the Father are equal—as one. In John 10:30, Jesus said: “I and the Father are one.” He continued in John 10:36-38, “what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’? Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.”

Secondly, we need to know that the Lord Jesus has the authority to cast away sins. Mark 2:5-7 says, “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven.’ Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, ‘Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?’”

We must also know that receiving salvation depends on faith and not by sight. John 20:27-29 records this, “Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.’ Thomas said to him, ‘My Lord and my God!’ Then Jesus told him, ‘Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.’”

Our Lord Jesus Christ is full of love and redemptive grace. God affirms Jesus’ divinity through the Bible that God and Jesus are as one. Jesus is God’s only begotten son with the authority to cast off sins. We can be justified by faith and not by sight if we humbly accept God’s salvation. Have mercy on us, Oh Lord! May our faith be strengthened while fighting the epidemic at home. May we sense your presence and be blessed with the assurance of salvation, peace, and joy that comes from You. Amen!

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