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1/24/2021 Praying for those in High Positions (為於高位掌權的人祈禱)


by Rev. Benjamin Chung (鍾立恆牧師)

1 Timothy 2:1-2 (ESV) First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

I want to bring this up this year, even though I have not in years past, even 4 years ago. Perhaps it is because the 2020 election was so fraught with divisiveness, but I also think it is because a call to peace and unity after the 2016 election would not have been the wisest decision to make from multiple angles. My decision to do so now is to begin a practice in which we should be reminded of our Christian testimony and role, especially during the period between the election date and inauguration of our country’s president.

As Christians, it is our responsibility to be a testimony of our love of Jesus to the world. As such, we need to be clear of what our responsibilities are. I do not think God called all of us to be civil rights leaders or to go to the vast reaches of the globe to evangelize to the lost tribes. Jesus did call specific people to those roles and if he did tell you to do so, don’t ignore his supernatural instructions.

One important instruction in relation to our worldly responsibilities and life is to pray. As we love our neighbors, we are to pray for the needs of one another. As we can see from Paul’s instruction to Timothy, we are also to pray for our civic needs. As I write this now, it is Tuesday, the day after MLK Day and the day before President-elect Biden will be inaugurated. Let us pray for our nation’s new leader and the other elected and appointed leaders of our nation, as they work to serve our nation. Even though we may or may not agree with the things they have done or will do, and we may or may not have voted for the individuals, we are directed to pray for them so that, in the end, “we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way”.

I want to remind us all that we worship the Lamb, not the donkey or the elephant. A pastor also shared with me of how when he prayed with his church, he heard many say “amen” until he mentioned the president, and then it was much quieter. He knew he was onto something. Instead of praying less for someone because we dislike them and may perhaps wants them to fail, let us instead pray even more for that person to change, to know our Savior, and to do that which will allow all to experience a peaceful life on this earth. If we want to see godly life on earth, let’s pray for it and live it out too!



我今年要提出這樣一個想法,即使過往幾年我沒有,甚至是四年前。也許是因為2020 年大選充滿了分歧,但我也認為這是因為2016 年大選後對和平與團結的呼籲,並沒有從多個角度作出最明智處理方法的後果。我現在這樣做,是要開始一種練習,在過程中,我們應該提醒我們基督徒作的見證和角色,特別是在選舉日到總統就職的這段期間。




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