12/20/2020 唯獨基督 (Christ Alone)
12/13/2020 A Star! (一顆明星)
12/06/2020 唯獨恩典 (Grace Alone)
11/29/2020 Our Church Household (教會我家)
11/22/2020 唯獨聖經 (Only Bible—Sola Scriptura)
11/15/2020 Truth (真相)
11/08/2020 唯獨信心 (By Faith Alone)
11/1/2020 Which “animal” do you believe in? (你會相信哪隻「動物」?)
10/25/2020 One Bread, One Body (一個餅,一個身體)
10/18/2020 那沒有看見就信的有福了 (Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen and Yet Have Believed)
10/11/2020 How Lovingly Lovely (「親切」的「愛」)
10/04/2020 真理 (God’s Truth is Absolute)
9/27/2020 When Right is Right (當正確是正確的時候)
9/20/2020 When Wrong is Right (當錯誤變為正確)
9/13/2020 傾福於我們 (Bless Us)
9/6/2020 Replacing your boredom with Joy (把喜樂取代無聊)
8/30/2020 活水的泉源 (Fountain of Living Water)
8/23/2020 One Blood (一滴血)
8/16/2020 被囚仍有盼望的人 (There Is Still Hope When Imprisoned)
8/9/2020 Actions That Honor God (榮耀歸神的行動)