5/9/2021 What Great Lengths ~Rev. Benjamin Chung
5/2/2021 Know the Lord Who Called Us ~Rev. Bernie Chung
4/25/2021 A Season for Everything ~Rev. Benjamin Chung
4/18/2021 It’s All in the Dash Mark [一切都在破折號 (短劃線記號) 中]
4/11/2021 照祂所說的 (Just As He Said)
4/4/2021 The Truth, the Way, and the Life (真理,道路與生命)
3/28/2021 和散那 (Hosanna)
3/21/2021 See You Again! (跟你再見)
3/14/2021 沒有出於人意的 (Not Originated in Human Will)
3/7/2021 Accountability and Commitment (責任與承諾)
2/28/2021 連一個也沒有 (Not Even One)
2/21/2021 Whom Shall I Fear? (我該懼怕誰?)
2/14/2021 唯獨上帝的榮耀 (The Glory of God Alone)
2/7/2021 Christian in Name Only (冒名的基督徒)
1/31/2021 常作準備 (Always Be Prepared)
1/24/2021 Praying for those in High Positions (為於高位掌權的人祈禱)
1/17/2021 信實(阿們) 的神 [Faithful (Amen) God]
1/10/2021 Fulfilling the Law is LOVE (成全律法的是愛)
1/3/2021 聖誕節已過 (After Christmas)
12/27/2020 Praise the LORD! (讚美主!)